Mission and Vision


It is an educational institution with a distinct characteristic of providing value-based education to the people of the village and nearby villages, irrespective of caste, color, or creed. The times have changed as they always do, but the ambition, Mission and Vision of the school remain unchanged.

The school has stood trying a test of the time by braving the desperation of many a disturbance during its long journey of 32 years. It was started in 1986. The school has regularly itself in the task of nurturing the young mind with personal attention toward each and every child in building them up into honest, loyal, responsible citizen and preparing them for this life and the life to come.

We must keep reminding ourselves that this school was established solely with the exclusive aim of imparting value-based education among rural masses of our area. There is always a danger for educational institutions to develop a sense of complacency by taking pride in the glorious past and spending all its energy on maintaining. The journey before us is long and difficult. Yet, we proceed towards reposing our complete trust in God.

We believe that every child should enjoy their education and be happy, healthy and safe at school. Our school is one step in a child’s journey of life long learning and we will always be a caring place where children and adults make a valuable contribution and are inspired to be creative, think for themselves and feel confident to meet new challenges.

Mission – To develop pupil that value and respect their own and others individuality, culture, and heritage. We are committed to providing a place of excellence with high standards.
1. We provide a stimulating, creative, curriculum and develops the skill and abilities of a child.
2. Build effective partnerships between children, safe, secure and caring which saves relationships basis on respect.

Vision – The vision of NSPS is to nurture the balanced development of body, mind a spirit, leading to the fulfillment of each individual’s potential within the broader community in all its diversities.

Our vision remains to make the education people oriented, to put the same abstract differently. It is to make education move outside the four walls of the school campus. Consequently reaching out to relate to masses.

We believe in planning, organizing, directing, reporting, budgeting but we completely rely on him for the execution of all that is stated above.

In God, we lay our trust as we hereby invite to usher one and all. Here at NSPS, we teach our students to add life to their years and years to their life’s.